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How to Drink Red Wine Without That Nasty Headache


How to drink red wine without that nasty headache

Do you suffer from headaches after drinking just a bit of red wine? If so you’re not alone; it’s pretty common.


So it’s good news that recent research appears to have pinpointed what causes these red wine headaches and suggests a way to avoid them without giving up drinking red wine.


In one of the first studies of its kind, scientists from the University of California at Davis set out to find out what the culprit was, using enzyme analysis. 


The researchers, chemists who specialize in wine analysis, first debunked several theories about what causes those red wine headaches.


For instance, while sulfites are often blamed for red wine headaches, there’s little evidence to link sulfites directly to headaches, the investigators noted. Moreover, many foods contain sulfites, such as dried fruit, French fries, and bottled lemon juice, and white wine contains the same amount of sulfites as red wine. Our bodies even produce sulfites when we digest. 


The scientists also ruled out biogenic amines, substances found in many fermented or spoiled foods, which can cause headaches. The amount of these compounds in wine is too low to be the problem.


And while tannins are a popular scapegoat, the researchers pointed out that although there are more tannins in red wine than in white, tannins are also found in other products, like tea and chocolate, which typically don’t cause headaches. Tannins are also known as antioxidants, so they’re less likely to cause headaches.


No, the real culprit causing those red wine headaches is a compound in the skin of red wine called quercetin.


“Before this study there was very little data on quercetin in wine,” Dr. Andrew Waterhouse, lead author of the study, told Wine With Our Family. His research suggests that quercetin disrupts the metabolism of alcohol in those who are susceptible, causing inflammation and headaches.


This is significant because the amount of quercetin can be controlled, at least in theory. And it’s potentially possible to avoid it, depending on what red wine you drink.


So what is Quercetin?  It’s a compound that is produced in response to sunlight when the grape is exposed to the sun.


“It’s sunscreen for grapes,” said Waterhouse. Grape clusters that are shaded or covered do not contain quercetin.


The compound is much more abundant in red wine because red grape skins are left in longer during the fermentation process.


The study was published in late 2023 in Scientific Reports and revitalized in December 2024, where for the first time the researchers clarified which red wines were less likely to trigger a headache.  


Which Red Wines Are More Likely to Cause a Headache?


So how can you drink red wine without that nasty headache? The level of quercetin in red wine differs significantly.


Unfortunately, it’s hard to predict just how much quercetin is in a particular wine.


“There is no data to guide consumers. We need many more samples before we can see trends,” warned Waterhouse.


So to reduce the chance of getting a red wine headache, Waterhouse recommends drinking wine from grapes less likely to have been exposed to the sun. “But no one publishes that,” said Waterhouse.

How to drink red wine without that nasty headache

Yet we do know that the commercial, higher production wineries that produce cheaper, less premium wine use larger grape vines and are less inclined to prune them. A lot of their grapes are likely to have been grown in the shade.


Therefore, to reduce the chance that red wine will trigger a red wine headache, drink cheaper, lighter red wines. Their grapes are less likely to have been exposed to the sun and thus less likely to contain quercetin. 


For instance, in an earlier study, Waterhouse found that bottles of premium Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon had four times the amount of quercetin than the average of the top 21 Cabernet Sauvignon wines sold in supermarkets.


“It’s a big difference, quite remarkable,” he said. 


Clearly more research needs to be conducted. For instance, we still don’t know why certain people are susceptible to red wine headaches or if premium red wines can be made with less sun exposure. But this information on quercetin is a big step forward in solving an age-old problem.


Wouldn’t it be easier to switch to white wine?


Waterhouse laughed. “Yes, but the flavor is different. Some people prefer the taste of red wine,” he explained.


It will be interesting to see what subsequent studies will show how to drink red wine without that nasty headache. What else should scientists take a look at? Send us a message at Always feel free to reach out to us with any questions or feedback.


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